Jasmina and Nora are two hard-working women living in Brooklyn who share a common goal: empower women to do their own home maintenance.  That could mean anything from hanging shelves, to getting their security deposit back by doing easy repairs, to training women to be able to manage a cost-effective renovation efficiently.


There are many professional programs in the New York Area for vocational training, some of which are directed towards women. However, none are centered around creating a women's collective of laborers who gather to spread their knowledge. The goal of Miss Fix It NYC is to engage tradeswomen to empower ALL WOMEN. 

Jasmina and Nora are on a mission to help women be independent. They are teaching practical skills so that women may be confident in their ability to problem solve, own homes, hire contractors, and be part of a larger supportive community of women. 


  • to empower all women to be "think handy"
  • to hold classes in a variety of subjects 
  • to run a "for women, by women" business
  • to eventually open a commercial space for classes, workshops, and projects


Jasmina Nikolov is a Brooklyn home-owner, mother, contractor, real estate expert, and hard worker with over 15 years of construction and teaching experience. She is inspired to help women laborers network and support each other while teaching skills to any woman who has the desire to learn! 


Nora Marlow Smith is a Brooklyn resident, painter, carpenter, welder, and artist. A graduate of a women's college in Massachusetts, being part of a strong community of women is very important to her. She believes in empowering women in traditionally masculine fields.